FAQs for Cargo Claims

Cargo Claims Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who may file a loss and damage claim?
    The shipper, the consignee, or a third party who has title to the goods may file a claim.

  2. What documentation do I need to file a claim?
    You must present your claim with a statement describing the goods lost or damaged and how you determined the amount of the claim. Please support the statement with a copy of the bill of lading or freight bill, a copy of an inspection report if one was performed, and a copy of the vendor's original invoice or other document to establish the value of the goods.
    On damage claims, we require a photo or photos of the damaged goods to establish the nature and extent of damage.

  3. What is the time limit for filing a cargo loss and damage claim?
    We must receive a cargo claim within nine months of the date of delivery, or in the case of nondelivery, within nine months of the date the shipment was picked up.
  1. Must I retain the damaged goods?
    Yes, please keep the damaged articles along with all the packaging material until we pick them up or until the claim is settled.

  2. How long will it take for my claim to be settled?
    After we have received your claim with the proper documentation, we will acknowledge its receipt and attempt to settle it within 30 days. Investigation of some claims may take longer. Holland processes more than 90 percent of claims within 30 days or less. If your claim cannot be settled within 120 days, Holland will notify you and keep you informed at 60-day intervals until the claim is settled.

  3. May I fax my claim to Holland?
    Yes, our fax number for filing cargo claims is 866-840-5691.
  1. If I fax my claim, should I also send Holland a copy by mail?
    No, if you fax your claim to us, it is neither necessary nor desirable to send us another copy by mail.

  2. Must Holland inspect the damaged goods?
    If your goods are damaged, please call your local Holland service center as soon as possible after delivery. The staff will determine whether it is appropriate to have the damaged goods inspected.

  3. The Holland claim form has a space for a claim number. What should I put there?
    If you do not have a system of numbering your claims for your own purposes, please leave this space blank.

  4. How do I find out whether you have received my claim and what my Holland claim number is?
    Check the claim status online or contact us at:
    Holland Cargo Claims
    Cargo Claims
    700 S. Waverly
    Holland, MI 49423
    Fax: 913-982-0280


FAQs for Cargo Claims